NFC – Much More than Just Mobile Payments

NFC is often discussed with reference to mobile payments. With iPhone 6 supporting NFC with Apply Pay, the excitement around NFC again picked up a lot in the last year. Undoubtedly, there is huge traction for NFC all over. According to a study by Juniper, by the end of 2016, the number of mobile wallet…

Payday for Apple, Android & Samsung – Same Difference?

“The evolving social and digital media platforms and highly innovative and relevant payment capabilities are causing seismic changes in consumer behavior and creating equally disruptive opportunities for business.” – Howard Schultz The change the CEO of Starbucks was talking about may already be here. Gartner has estimated that by 2017 mobile payments worldwide would touch…

Applications of Internet of Things for Healthcare

A new report from states that the healthcare Internet of Things market segment will hit $117 billion by the year 2020. People are becoming more and more health-aware and that has led to the innovation in the areas of ‘self-care’ and also ‘healthcare advisors’. The point of care is patient-centric and moving away from…

What Can We Say About Enterprise Mobility

So much has already been said about Enterprise Mobility that sometimes it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t. With that in mind consider this post our attempt at creating an Enterprise Mobility conversation starter. First a look at the numbers that justify the hype though – a recent Citrix Mobile Ecosystem…

Internet of Things and Payments Revolution

According to estimates by Cisco, the number of devices connected to the Internet will reach 50 billion by 2020 (the number is close to 10 billion today). This rise is attributed to Internet of Things – wherein; more and more devices are connected to the Internet. ‘Smart’ things such as cameras, door locks, toys, thermostats…

What’s Big in Healthcare Technology – Big Data!

Among the news items relating to M & A’s this week was something of great interest to those of us concerned with the Healthcare Technology world. IBM’s Watson Health unit just announced acquisition of not one but two healthcare focused startups Phytel and Explorys. The truly interesting thing was the Big Data connection of both…

5 Evolving Healthcare Technology Trends

The healthcare industry has been traditionally termed as an industry which is slow in terms of adoption of latest technologies. However, this is changing very fast. As technology continues to transform every aspect of our lives, it has started to create important and profound impact in the healthcare domain as well. The industry is leveraging…

Barriers Affecting Mobile Commerce Adoption

Retail industry is beginning to feel the impact of soaring mobile device penetration across the world. A recent Barclays report suggests that the retail sales made via mobile devices are expected to reach GBP 32 billion by 2019. Another research suggests that the online retail is expected to grow to about $50 billion by 2016 –…